Impeachments, turns out, they are unpredictable things. We have not had very many of them in the course of US history so, by definition, that means we do not have a lot of historical experience and data to extrapolate from in terms of forming an informed take on what’s going to happen next and how this is all likely to turn out…. Source: Rachel Maddow MSNBC broadcast on December 13, 2019
This quote encapsulates everything that is wrong with corporatized media, even when it pretends to be progressive by wrapping a news show around an extraordinarily intelligent gay woman. At a time when we need that intellect to tell us where things are headed, when we need someone who can point to possible paths, we get this nonsense about a lack of historical experience and data.
It is true that we have not had many impeachments. We do not have the past to rely upon in this regard. So what are we to do? Sit and wait for this to play out so that during some future impeachment we’ll then have more data?
Impeachment may be unpredictable. But the outcome of a steady flow of demagoguery is very predictable. The outcome of a steady flow of antisemitism, of locking children in cages, of calling neo-Nazis very fine people is very predictable.
What is also very predictable is that Americans refusal to think long and hard about the future that is unfolding right before their eyes will not prevent it from happening. Don’t imagine it and it can’t happen is not a formula for avoiding disaster. In fact, it’s a formula for complacency, making disaster all the more likely to occur.

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