Someone posted the following question in Facebook: “What can we learn from the Torie [sic] landslide in the UK?”
This is referring to the Tory electoral victory that will make it possible for Boris Johnson to move ahead with Brexit which will, supposedly, allow Britain to revert to an earlier form of government when it was a sovereign, independent nation-state. Unfortunately, Britain was never a nation-state. Through its long history, it eventually became a fledgling kingdom, and eventually grew into an empire. That empire collapsed under the weight of World Wars I and II. It was saved, as a viable political and economic entity, by becoming a member of an organization which was the precursor to the European Union. What would have happened if there was no larger organization to save Britain? Brits will soon find out.
So, in response to the question posted in Facebook, I wrote the following:
- The complete collapse of Europe is an inevitability.
- First, the United Kingdom will break into pieces.
- Second, countries such as Hungary and Poland will be “inspired” by Boris Johnson and will continue their slide into the Putin/fascist orbit.
- Third, the Nazis in Austria will be emboldened as will Marine Le Pen and her fascists in France. (We might also add Italy to the list of countries that want MFGA — Make Fascism Great Again.)
- Fourth, the United States will shrink in terms of influence in Europe.
- Finally, a world war will occur (perhaps ten years down the road), but it may not be a conventional hot war. Internal civil wars will break out and we can expect a return to a new form of holocaust with a new enemy in Europe. (It can’t be the Jews because Hitler successfully got rid of over 90% of them during the last holocaust).
- None of this will affect the United States because we live in a country that was blessed by god and we can easily reverse our own slide into American-style fascism by simply voting in 2020. 😉
My response received the following comments.
Comment No. 1: WTH are you babbling about
Comment No. 2: it’s amazing how many words can be used to no final effect.

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