Idi Amin became psychotically dangerous (as opposed to “plain ol’ dangerous”) as syphilis ate away at his brain. We’re in a similar spot with Trump. His COVID is about to get worse, and he’s pumped up with Dexamethasone, which has such side effects as aggression, agitation, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Now add in malignant narcissism and a penchant for sadism, well, expect him to go Full Nero on the United States and, possibly, the world. In fact, he’s already gone Full Nero on the United States by ending any negotiations with the Dems over a new stimulus bill. Did you expect a bit more help from the government? Trump’s answer is “fuck you and die.” Did you expect him to tell everyone to wear a mask and listen to the CDC? Trump’s answer is “fuck you and die.” Did you expect him to care about anyone around him who he could have infected and, now that he’s back at the White House, who he is infecting right now? Trump’s answer is “fuck you and die.”
We were warned. We laughed. There are now 200,000+ Americans that have been killed while Trump yucked it up with Bob Woodward, knowing all along that this was a very deadly virus.
We were warned. And we didn’t take it seriously. In fact, we’re still not taking it seriously. We’re cowering in the corner, hoping that the COVID Angel of Death passes us by. We’re still not fully grasping the mortal danger we are all in.
Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come.

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