A lot of people will hate me for this but there’s no other way to put this. Jesus Christ is killing this country. That’s what lies beneath all the battles we are having with Amy Coney Barrett, Betsy DeVos, and William Barr, in addition to the battles we had with Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Now I know there are some who will take issue with this description of the issue and that I should not put the onus on J.C. And I know there are some who will say that Christianity as practiced by Barrett, et al., is outside of the mainstream. Well, you know what the problem is? The mainstream of Christianity is silent. Where are the millions of evangelicals who don’t adhere to the “Handmaids Tale” version of Christianity? Where are the millions of Roman Catholics who are appalled by the way that Jesus’s ideas and teachings are being distorted? I don’t hear them. I don’t see them in the streets. This is the time for organized religion to use its organization for good, to mobilize millions. Instead, it is silent as Christianized Sharia Law is shoved down our throats.

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