I’m confused. I thought we were supposed to hate the Soviets, the Vietcong, the Japs, the Nazis, Blacks, and, of course, the Jews. Well, there are no more Soviets, the Vietcong have become a trading partner, along with the Japs and the Nazis. So many Jews were killed in Europe that we felt sorry for them and reluctantly agreed not to hate them, at least not so much. The Blacks have been real smart. They keep giving themselves a different label figuring that white people will not realize what’s going on. But we white’s aren’t that dumb. We know that African-Americans were once Blacks who were once Negroes. Anyway, we then went on to hating Iranians when they got religion and were taken over by that crazy Ayatollah. That was also a time when Blacks were transformed into Welfare Queens, courtesy of President Senility. After the Iranians we went on to hate the Grenadians (remember when we invaded Grenada?), and then we went back to hating Blacks, but us white folks referred to them as “punks in the streets.” So, somewhere in there the hate level went down, except against Blacks. Eventually we added back in a hatred of people from the Middle East, specifically, Al Qaeda. Funny story. We kept killing the number two man in that organization, without realizing that the number three man becomes the number two man, but behind that one is the number four man who becomes the number three and then the number two…well, you get the picture. Recently we switched our hatred to ISIS, a different Middle Eastern group, all the while keeping up the pretense of reducing hatred in our own country even though we still hate African-Americans but we don’t like to say that out loud because it’s not politically correct. Instead, we tell them that everything is post-racial and that’s why you don’t need those pesky civil rights laws because, hey, you already have the rights you need, and you shouldn’t be given more than you deserve.
I don’t how you feel about this but I think life was a lot less confusing when everyone just hated the Jews.

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