Date: March 8, 2017 | Location: Local Diner | Time: Approx. 10:00AM
Me: Looks like I’m the only one here. Why don’t you go outside and pull in some customers?
Hispanic employee: Look. (Points out the window.) No one is there. No Spanish people. Everybody’s scared. They don’t come out.
Date: March 7, 2017 | Location: Doctor’s office | Time: Approx. 7:00PM
Doctor: I work one day a week at a clinic out east (Eastern end of Long Island). The patients don’t have money. The state pays for them. A lot are undocumented. They’re waiting for their cases to be done so they can stay here. They’re frightened. They stay inside all day. They don’t want to do anything that can affect the case. I have a patient so scared he quit his job and stays home.
Me: Reminds me of what Martin Amis said. The Germans that were against Hitler, they were internal exiles.
Date: March 9, 2017 | Location: Local Library | Time: Approx. 1:30PM
Me: The Republicans are going to ram through their health care bullshit bill. I heard someone from Ohio say that one-fourth of the hospitals could close if funding disappears.
Friend: My friends in Tennessee say everyone is freaking out over this healthcare thing.

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