In two weeks (more or less), the Republican Senate will officially change our form of government from democracy to authoritarianism. The so-called “president” will then have the blessing of the Senate to do whatever he wants, whether that is hiding his crimes under the cloak of executive privilege, or ignoring the other branches of government.
The 2020 election will not fix this. It is delusional to think that the Trump crime syndicate, which has never, ever followed the law, will suddenly follow the law of the succession of power. If he is defeated in 2020, we will be told that (pick one or more) Iran / North Korea / Ukraine / the DNC / a fat schlub sitting in a basement, has hacked the election results and, therefore, they cannot be trusted.
It’s not just his lawlessness that will keep him in power. Individual One (IO) and his crime syndicate is in a symbiotic relationship with the other major crime syndicate, the Republican Party. Both are well aware of the crimes committed by the other, and they require each other to remain in power in order to protect one another. If either is removed from office, the other can be subject to real investigations that have real consequences.
I realize that all of this sounds insane, but that’s because the mainstream media has failed to educate the public. The media’s new found wealth, based on heightened interest in news and political commentary, requires that no one say out loud what is staring everyone in the face, namely, that the political ballgame is over. The evidence of this is right before our eyes. (Additional evidence will be found in “How Democracies Die,” by Levitsky and Ziblatt.)
Individual One has usurped Congress’s power of the purse. He’s diverted money earmarked for defense to his “magnificent” wall project. He’s illegally held up monies already approved (on a bipartisan basis!!) for Ukraine, so he could use it as leverage.
IO has refused to cooperate with any investigations. He has not provided any documents, or allowed any witnesses, to testify, to defend his “perfect phone call” with Ukraine.
IO has ignored all subpoena requests, and has ordered others to do the same.
IO shares top secret intelligence through his use of unsecured cellphones, and at various meetings at Mar-A-Lago, and other places. (Have we forgotten about the Chinese spy at Mar-A-Lago? Have we forgotten how the Russian ambassador was brought into the White House where Trump handed him top secret intelligence that was provided by the Israelis?)
IO has called for, and gotten, investigations into his political opponents. (An old investigation into James Comey has been reopened.)
IO has neutered the power of the House of Representatives. Once it became majority Democrat, he acts as if it doesn’t exist. Mar-A-Lago guests and Vladimir Putin know, before Congress, when a military strike will occur. Its investigations into anything is ignored and stymied.
IO, along with its state propaganda arm, the “F” Network, has turned the entire political process into a game of war where there are winners and losers. With politics-as-war, there is no place for compromise, or for that political unicorn known as “the center.” (“Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump’s rise. Now he’s reveling in his achievements.” See, “The Man Who Broke Politics.” )
IO has threatened US citizens. (“Tape Records Trump Ordering Goons to Get Rid of Ambassador Yovanovitch.”)
IO has separated children from their families. (Where are the 70,000 children?) He has gone after the weak and hungry. (Reduction of food stamps, aka, SNAP. Reduction of Social Security disability benefits.)
IO has given his seal of approval to neo-Nazis.
This list could go on and on.
The bottom line is that IO believes he is above the law, that he can say or do whatever he wants, not simply because he is a “stable genius,” but because the US Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want as president.”
Why aren’t we rioting in the streets? Don’t we care about our democracy. Isn’t it worth fighting for?
I believe why we don’t have Hong Kong-style riots in the streets is a result of the mainstream media, which prefers to play games of semantics, to play it safe (for them, at least), instead of creating an informed electorate.
Here’s Leslie Moonves, former CBS executive, on the “benefits” of Trump.
Moonves called the campaign for president a “circus” full of “bomb throwing,” and he hopes it continues.
“Most of the ads are not about issues. They’re sort of like the debates,” he said.
“Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having right now? … The money’s rolling in and this is fun,” he said.
“I’ve never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going,” said Moonves.
The mainstream media refuses to say, loud and clear, what the stakes are in the game being played in the US Senate because, quite frankly, it doesn’t care. Giant corporations can thrive under a democracy or under an authoritarian regime. (See, for example, Communist China, where capitalism is thriving inside an authoritarian state.) Yet this doesn’t change the fact that the survival of democracy is at stake. You’d never know this even if you watched every episode of Rachel Maddow, or even the “woke” version of Chris Wallace on the “F” Network.
Democracy is about to end. I know this with absolute certainty because I was told (in fact, we were ALL told) by the person who will destroy democracy, Mitch McConnell, aka, the “Grim Reaper.” He has proven his ability to undermine democracy. He’ll now have the opportunity to destroy it, and when it is done, there won’t be a single headline in the mainstream media that will tell you what has really happened. Instead, they will dangle the shiny object of the 2020 election, and we’ll continue to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that Individual One and the GOP criminals will play by the rules of democracy and willingly leave office if they lose the 2020 election.

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