“The evil are not really there. They have a problem being present.” (On Evil, Terry Eagleton)
Doesn’t this describe Kellyanne Conway, a human being who is physically but not spiritually present, who appears before us though she speaks as if she’s on a different plane of existence?
Hitler did not “conquer the masses” but, instead, he “portrayed and represented them.” (Konrad Heiden, Der Fuehrer)
- The Russians create the anti-Semitic fiction “Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.”
- Hitler believes it to be true, and uses the methods it describes to “outsmart” the Jews.
- Hitler kills 6 million Jews to eliminate a fake existential threat.
- Hitler defeated, but the idea of a worldwide conspiracy remains alive.
- A faux billionaire gains popularity by repeating conspiracy theories (Bankers, Globalists, Soros, Birtherism).
- Russians employ tactics to help sway election to the advantage of the faux billionaire.
- Russians are fingered as the force behind devious methods — hacking, fake news.
- Faux billionaire uses purveyor of fake news, along with purloined emails, to deny Russian involvement, labeling all such claims as part of a conspiracy to delegitimize his election.
The American experiment is over. We see that checks and balances can disappear overnight. We see that the electoral college that was supposed to protect us from the insane, from foreign influence, or both, is a fiction. The system has failed.
We are living in a badly written author-less novel. The characters can’t differentiate true from false. They are unaware of the other characters in the story. Whenever the plot moves towards a conclusion, it circles back and starts all over again.
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