If we have the 2018 midterm elections, and if the Democrats win big, the results will be invalidated, the losing Republicans will remain in office, and that will be the end of elections. Here’s how it will happen.
- The Democrats will win back control of the House.
- The Republicans will say that the Russians hacked the election, therefore the results are invalid.
- The Democrats that won will not be allowed to take office until the investigation has been completed.
- While we are waiting for the results of the investigation, the Republicans that lost will stay in office.
- The Democrats will cry foul.
- The Republicans will use the results of the Mueller investigation and various committee investigations, which examined Trump-Russia collusion, as proof of Russian meddling on behalf of the Democrats. (We’ve already heard this upside-down version of reality many times on Fox News.)
- The Democrats will remain in a powerless position and, therefore, will not be able to do anything about it.
- People will take to the streets but they will be dismissed as “crisis actors,” “dupes of Soros,” and “enemies of democracy.”
- This will eventually become a matter for the Supreme Court which, as we saw in Bush v Gore, has shown a willingness to overturn election results.
Post Script: I discussed this “end of democracy” scenario with a trusted friend. Her response was, “Don’t post it. You don’t want to give them [Republicans] any ideas.” I’ve often worried about things like that. There are things that I don’t post because I worry that I may give someone a crazy, diabolical idea. However, I’m not a genius. I’m sure others have figured out what I’ve written here. Further, I believe that the only way to prepare for the future is to engage in these types of speculative thought experiments. Hopefully someone in the DNC is already strategizing how to deal with this “end of democracy” scenario.

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