1500’s – White people discover a whole new continent and begin killing the native peoples.
1600’s – White people begin the slave trade in the Caribbean, and South America. First slaves purchased in the United States in the early 1600’s.
1700’s – White people having a blast as slavery continues.
Early to Mid-1800’s – White people still at it. Still got slavery.
1865 – Civil War. Ostensibly ends slavery, but it comes back in other forms shortly after the end of reconstruction.
1914 – White people go nuts and start killing each other in Europe.
1939 – White people who are enamored with the eugenics movement, which was quite popular in the U.S., decide to kill millions of other white people that they deem inferior.
1945 – White people use atomic weapons, twice.
1945 to the present – White people overthrow governments of other countries. White people create technologies that pollute the entire planet. White people tank the economy several times over. White people commit mass murder. White people steal billions of dollars. White people extract wealth and it in tax havens.
Nov. 8, 2016 – White people elect an incompetent, mendacious buffoon for president. (Added on Nov. 13, 2016)

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