Maybe it’s good that I’m heading into the final quarter of my life, because I don’t think I could live for fifty years without musicians, painters, writers, philosophers, and other creative types. Our society doesn’t value what they do. Like “The Matrix,” where people are bred to feed energy to the system, we’ve begun breeding financial automatons. I have one nephew who makes big dollars on Wall Street. Another is studying for a test that will allow him to help the wealthy hide their money. The young man who lives next door is learning how to be a banker at the local Chase branch. What will happen to their minds? Will they be filled with the latest digital doo-dads or smartphone apps? Will they experience life only through 3-D Google viewers? Will they know what it is like to plunge your hands into the soil, watching the worms run in every direction and then, using your fingertip, push a seed into the soil, and watch it for weeks as it grows into a plant? Or will that become simply another “downloadable” digital experience?

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