The real shame is that we can’t have a real debate, with real ideas, with real thoughts and suggestions. Instead, we have one person who tries to do her homework, tries to put forth ideas, tries to answer questions. Then we have another person who has skirted through life, bullying his way through, using Daddy’s money to get his way. He uses McCarthy-like tactics (“I know who your big donors are but I won’t mention names”), he badgers, belittles, demeans his opponent. He’s a sexual predator who wants to treat America the same way he treated Arianne Zucker. It’s all a con, all a game, and winning, at any cost, is all that matters.
Trump will not go gentle into that night. He will make sure that a Hillary presidency will be miserable. For Obama, it was the birther issue. For Hillary, he will reinvestigate Whitewater and every and anything that has every happened to Bill and Hillary. He said in the debate that, if elected, he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate everything she has done.
Our country is at a crossroads. We’ll have to get into the streets EVERY SINGLE DAY. We’ll have to shut down roads and airports and shopping malls. We’ll have to do what the brave women of Poland did this week. They had a massive work stoppage across 60 cities to protest draconian abortion laws.
This will be our last chance to fix our country. But if Trump somehow becomes president, it’s game over. Democracy is done. America is done. Putin and Assad will be in the White House giving him advice on how to deal with dissent. Mike Pence will usher in a world that I don’t think any of us can imagine.
P.S. Whatever the shortcomings of the town hall debate format, one thing was obvious. Trump had no interest in the people in the audience, and he had only contempt for the moderators. He had a mission and nothing was going to stop him. Every two minutes he reached into his full diaper, pulled out a piece, and threw it at Hillary. In Trump’s world, this is how you treat a woman who dares to stand in your way.

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