A Trump victory, according to some economists, could result in an economic recession, and could have long-term negative consequences for our economic standing in the world. Of course, all this is nonsense. Capitalism has shown itself to be quite adaptable to varying circumstances, always finding ways to extract wealth. History has shown us it thrives no matter the type of labor force: slave labor, starving labor, child labor, unionized labor, or non-unionized labor. It thrives under many different political conditions: democratic, parliamentarian, communist, despotic, dictatorship, and so on. A Trump presidency would mean a temporary setback, at best, for capitalism. It would mean a new set of conditions to adapt to. One need not worry. Capitalism will survive and thrive. As for those of us at the bottom of the ladder, our prospects would be grim.
In contrast, a Hillary presidency would be a continuation of our current economic policies. We’ll have more twenty-year old billionaires, some more outsourcing of labor, and the real nail in the coffin, the automation of labor (Did you know that Uber is testing self-driving cars, that a self-driving eighteen wheeler drove itself 120 miles, that Amazon is working on a completely automated warehouse?) The major difference between these two presidencies will be in their social policies. Capitalism, however, will do just fine.

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