I’m writing this on the day after 9/11 so get ready for a bucket of cold water. Yes, we were united as a country. Yes, there was a feeling that we were all in this together. Yes, our fears were used to manipulate us, were used to get us into a useless war in Iraq, were used to justify and greatly expand our digital KGB (Imagine what a free-thinker like the Donald can do with that power!), were used to militarize the police and our daily lives (Do we need Guardsmen with machine guns in New York’s Penn Station? What if they see something. Will they mow everyone down in order to get the “terrorist”?), were used to justify anything that the Republicans wanted to cram down our throats. Yes. For a brief moment we were one, and for a brief moment, the world was on our side. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Yoo (John Yoo, the author of the torture memo), and their enablers, made that moment as brief as possible, and have given us the world of perpetual war.

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