He [Trump] talked of turning the Oval Office into a high-powered board room, empowering military leaders over foreign affairs specialists in national security debates, and continuing to speak harshly about adversaries. – New York Times, May 4, 2016 “President Trump? Here’s How He Says It Will Look“
Conversation at a diner in Port Washington, New York.
Me: “He’s talking about fascism.”
Him: “You want Communism? Vote for Bernie.”
Me: “But Trump’s talking about putting the military in charge of foreign policy.”
Him: “You mean to fight ISIS?
Me: “To replace foreign policy experts.”
Him: “Maybe they’ll do a better job than Obama.”
Me: “But that’s not a democracy.”
Him: “Was it Patton that wanted to go into Russia? Who was the president?”
Me: “Probably Truman. Churchill saw what was coming but didn’t think he could muster up the morale for another war. He saw the Iron Curtain coming down.”
Him: “If we listened to Patton, there wouldn’t be any Russia.”
Me: “If we listened to the military, there wouldn’t be any United States. In 1961, the generals came to Kennedy with a plan to wipe Russia off the face of the earth. They knew we’d lose millions of Americans in a nuclear war and some major cities but it was worth it to destroy communism. Kennedy thought they were nuts. 1
Him: “Did you see how Paul Ryan said he won’t support Trump?”
Me: “The problem is he’s not their crazy. They can’t control him. He’s a loose cannon. They want their own crazy guy to be in charge.”
Him: “I still rather vote for Trump than Hillary.”
Me: “Is he going to tell us he’ll get the trains to run on time?”
Him: (Puzzled look.)
Me: “That’s what Mussolini used to say.”
About Port Washington
Estimated median household income in 2013:
$113,751 (it was $85,837 in 2000)
Source: City Data
About Me
Freelance Web Developer and Writer
About Him
Retired Pensioner
- “…beginning in 1957 the U.S. military did prepare plans for a preemptive nuclear strike against the U.S.S.R., based on our growing lead in land-based missiles. And top military and intelligence leaders presented an assessment of those plans to President John F. Kennedy in July of 1961.” Did the U.S. Military Plan a Nuclear First Strike for 1963? ↩

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