America finally gets an infrastructure bill. We thought it would be focused on roads and bridges. Instead, it’s focused on our medical infrastructure. Further, it’s not actually a bill. That would require the input of the House and Senate. This “bill” is an executive order, and it has all the features we have come to expect from a very stable genius.
First, the genius shifted all responsibility to Pence, a certifiable expert in silence and obfuscation. Second, the stable genius muzzled the CDC and other experts to assure that no negative information leaked out. Third, the mental giant turned, once again, to his outsourced brain, Jared Kushner. That brainiac used an “expert” who sought guidance from a Facebook group on how to handle a pandemic. Fourth, following the lead of too many presidents before him, the stable genius privatized the solution. Therefore, the same companies that read our emails, track our movements, handle our medical data, and pay their workers starvation wages, are the same ones that will miraculously save us.
Since we have no choice but to live with the privatization of a federal government response to a pandemic, there are a number of pressing questions that, I am sure, will remain unanswered.
- Do any of these corporations have experience dealing with a crisis of this potential scale and magnitude?
- Have these corporations ever worked in a coordinated manner even though some are direct competitors?
- Who will determine all the steps necessary to make all this work?
- What happens if they completely fail at their task? As you learned in Economics 101, sometimes the market fails and the invisible hand gives us the middle finger. Who will be held responsible?
What Does The Future Look Like?
I hope I am wrong but…here goes.
- The incompetence of the Trump administration and the Republicans will not suddenly disappear. They will continue to lie, coverup, and promote conspiracy theories at a time when we desperately need truth and leadership. Therefore, it will take a Democratic administration to deal with this pandemic, which means that the devastation could run till January 2021 if not longer.
- Mortality rates will be higher in red states, lower in blue states. This might seem counterintuitive in light of the current clusters of the virus in New York, California, and Washington State. But keep in mind that the blue states have more resources and rely more on scientific knowledge and known experts for policy decisions than do red states which rely more on prayer and God’s will.
- Trump will do ANYTHING to assure his reelection, even if it means that the rest of the world will die.
The following is hot off the press (Mar 15, 2020):
“The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.”
“According to an anonymous source quoted in the newspaper, Trump was doing everything to secure a vaccine against the coronavirus for the US, “but for the US only”. (Source)
If Trump is willing to do this, what won’t he do or say to assure his reelection?

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